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创建时间:2020-04-30 13:58:38


1. Hello, boys and girls.

2. Good morning, boys and girls.

3. Good afternoon, boys and girls.

4. How are you today?

5. Stand up, please.

6. Sit down, please.

7. Let’s start now. / Let’s begin our class.

8. Who’s on duty today?

9. Is everyone here?

10. Is anyone away?

11. Is anyone absent? / Is anybody absent?

12. Who’s not here?

13. Where is he / she?

14. Don’t be late again.

15. Go back to your seat, please.

16. What day is it today?

17. What’s the date today?

18. What’s the weather like today?

19. What’s it like outside?

12. Let’s begin a new lesson.

13. First, let’s review.

14. What did we learn at last time?

15. Who can tell what we did at last time?

16. Now let’s learn something new.

17. We have some new words / sentences.

18. Are you ready? (Yes, I am ready.)

19. Do you understand? (Yes, I do.)

20. Any volunteers?

21. Be quiet, please. / Quiet, please.

22. Listen carefully, please.

23. Listen to the tape recorder.

24. Look carefully, please.

25. Look at the blackboard/ picture.

26. Watch carefully.

27. Are you watching?

28. Pay attention to your spelling / pronunciation.

29. Ready, go!

30. Read / say it /do it together.

31. Practise in groups.

32. Practise in two/ pairs/ three / four …

33. Practise with your partner/good friends.

34. Let’s do pair work.

35. Let’s read it one by one.

36. Now you, please. / It’s your turn now(Student’s name)

37. Next, please. Now you do the same, please.

38. Let’s act.

39. Who wants to be A?

40. Practise the dialogue, please.

41. What’s the Chinese meaning?

42. Now Tom will be A, and Helen will be B.

43. Whose turn is it?( It’s xx’s turn.)

44. Wait a minute.

45. Stand in a line. / Line up.

46. Don’t speak out.

47. Turn around.

48. Try it again.

49. Can you help me?

50. Can you try?

51. Try your best.

52. Think it over and try again.

53. Don’t be nerves.

54. Say / Read after me, please.

55. Follow me, please.

56. Read after me / the tape.

57. Let’s read it again.

58. Come here, please.

59. Please come to the front.

60. Come and write it on the blackboard.

61. Please say it in English, please.

62. Raise your hand, please.

63. Hands down, please.

64. Say it / Write it in Chinese / English.

65. Please take out your books.

66. Please open your books and turn to page …

67. Please answer my question(s).

68. Please read this letter / word / sentence. Loud, please.

69. Now stop, please. / Stop here, please.

70. Clean up your desk / the classroom, please.

71. It’s clean-up time. / Tidy up your desk / the classroom.

72. Put your things in your desk.

73. Clean the blackboard.

74. Listen and point.

75. Point and read.

76. Read and say.

77. Say and act.

78. Talk about it.

79. Do it.

80. Build it.

81.Read it.

82. Review it.

83. Sing us a song. Let’s sing a song.

84. Learn to say.

85. Look and learn.

86. Look and say.

87. Fun house.

88. Read and write.

89. Ask and answer.

90. Listen and repeat.

91. Quickly! / Be quick, please.

92. Shhh! Be quiet. / No talking. / Everybody quiet, please.

93. Good! / Very good. / Good job. /Excellent. / Great! / Well done.

94. You are a superboy/ supergirl.

95. A good answer. / Nice work.

96. That’s interesting!

97. No problem.

98. OK!

99. I don’t think so.

100. That’s close. / That’s almost right.

101. Not quite, can anyone help him / her?

102. For today’s homework …

103. Copy / Print / Write each word twice.

104. Remember (Memorize) these words / sentences.

105. Do your homework. / Do the next lesson. / Do the new work.

106. Hand in your workbooks, please.

107. Time is up.

108. The bell is ringing.

109. That’s all for today.

110. Class is over.

111. Goodbye. / Bye. / See you next time.