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创建时间:2020-04-30 13:21:00


1、学校简介 2001年的金秋,美丽的太湖之滨、古老的梁溪河畔,南长区骨干教师培训基地——无锡市侨谊实验小学诞生了。学校实施素质教育的一种模式——乐学教育,追求轻负担,高质量,把学校办成儿童学习的乐园。短短四年,学校已由最初1—6年级9个班,迅速扩大为30个班,成为无锡市享有较高声誉的优质名牌学校。  2、专家治校 海纳百川 一所学校有四名特级教师,锡城绝无仅有。南长区教育局大力支持,选聘近10名中青年教师到校任教,在专家指导下,一支高素质的年龄结构合理,教学经验丰富,充满朝气活力的教师团队正在形成。  3、小班教学 全面发展 各年级全部实行小班化教学,每班不超过30人,师生比例1:10,学生能得到更多的培养和锻炼,有更多被赏识的机会,学生的才能也能得到最大程度的施展。  4、科研先行 培育优才 学校是“中国人才研究会超常教育专业委员会”理事。《智慧型教师团队建设》的课题列为省十五课题,《优才儿童素质教育实践研究》课题也列为江苏省教育教学改革试验课题。学校坚持进行优才儿童教育研究,致力培育综合能力强、智慧型的优秀人才。  5、硬件设施 学校现已做到:四机一幕(大屏幕彩电、计算机、录音机、投影仪)进每个教室,电脑房、课件制作室、自然实验室、图书阅览室、音乐室、美术室等专用教室齐全,儿童乐园、塑胶跑道、排球场、篮球场一应俱全。  6、国际交流 学校常年聘请外教担任外语课教学,并与日本、新加坡等国一些学校建立、并保持长期友好交流关系。教育国际化在这里得到了充分的体现和发展!  联系方式学校地址 学校地址:无锡市前宋巷189#—1                  邮政编码:214031 学校总机:82859737 招生专线:82859530                                传真:82855617 


Wuxi Qiaoyi Experimental Primary School

1.     Brief Introduction

During the golden autumn of 2001,Wuxi Qiaoyi Experimental Primary School was established at the beautiful bank of Lake Taihu and by the ancient Liangxi River, which is also the training base of Nanchang District for backbone teachers of Wuxi city. The school is practicing a new teaching model which is called “Happy Education ” to reduce the burden of students by high quality of teaching, to pursue the school becoming the paradise of studying for children. In so short period of four years, the school from 9 class (of grade 1 to grade 6) at the beginning to expand to 30 class now, that has become the name brand school with high reputation in the city.

2.     Receiving experts from all circles to control the school

The school accepted 4 teachers with special level title, which is the unique example in the city. Meanwhile, the school, supported by Nanchang Education Bureau, invited nearly 10 young and middle-age teachers to serve the school. Under their instruction, a vigorous teachers’ team with rich teaching experiences has formed.

3.     Development of the students in all around by small class teaching mode

The school is practicing small class teaching in all grades with students no more than 30 pupils in each class, that the proportion between teacher and student in 1:10, therefore, the students will have more opportunities to receive formal training and cultivating as well as being appreciated so that their personal talents will be developed as much as possible.

4.     Antecedence of school’s R&D to cultivate more excellent students

The school is the member of “China Talents Research Institute Supernormal Education Special Committee”. Our research title, the Construction of Intelligent Teachers’ Team, was listed as one of the fifteen researching titles of Jiangsu province, and the Education Practice & Research for Excellent Children Quality was also listed as the title for testing of education & teaching reforming of Jiangsu. The school insists on the education & research for excellent children to cultivate those intelligent students for their integrated capability and personality.

5.     Hardware facilities

The school now has the following education facilities entering each classroom including large screen color TV, computers, transcription machines, projectors; other hardware facilities included computer classroom, hand-making classroom for teaching articles, natural lab, reading classroom, music classroom, art classroom as well as children’s paradise, plastic racetrack, volleyball field, and basketball field etc.

6.     International exchange

The school normally invites foreign teachers to carry out foreign language teaching and established long-term friendly exchange relationship with the schools of Japan and Singapore or other countries. Internationalized education method has been revealed and developed in our school as much as possible.


Address for contacting:

 #189-1, Qian Sone Lane, Wuxi City, Jiangsu, P.R.China

Post code: 214031

Tel: +86-510-82859737 (O)

Special Tel line for recruit students: +86-510-82859530

Fax: +86-510-82855617

E-mail: ncqqyxx@wxjy.com.cn